From Boring to Branded 

marketing and branding for introverts


Meet your Coach

Knowledgeable. Approachable. Real.

I’m Steph Tomko and I’m tired of seeing small businesses struggle.

I’ve been in sales, marketing and branding since I was 16 years old. I have helped nonprofits, gyms, Realtors, entrepreneurs, and a lot of really great people understand their brand and market it. But what if you don’t like talking about yourself, or your product, or your service?

Marketing is scary when you are an introvert

If you consider yourself an introvert or you don’t look forward to showcasing your talent or maybe you just don’t know what to say when in a room of people, I can help!

The Brand Builders Membership was designed to guide you through marketing and branding your business effectively while keeping in mind that you it can be scary.


“Marketing is not my Jam”

I hear this all. the. time.

  • Most small business owners and entrepreneurs are really good at what they do.
  • Most small business owners and entrepreneurs are not marketers.
  • In the Brand Builders Membership, you will learn easy ways to talk about, promote and market your business that you can put into action right now. 

Build Your Brand in Three Steps

Build Your List

Your audience wants to hear from you. The real you. Learn how to build your list, own your audience, and grow your brand authentically.


Build Your Brand Story

Create a mission and a vision statement. Get clear on your brand voice and your marketing strategy. All while leaving the overwhelm at the door.


Build Your Blueprint

Great marketing takes exceptional planning. Use our templates and plug and play options to create everything you need to market consistently and on brand.



The Programs

open now!

Brand Builders


The Brand Builders Membership will over deliver on branding and marketing resources for your business! Each month you will receive:

  1. A branding & marketing monthly diy road map that walks you through every step of scaling your business.
  2. Templates that coordinate with monthly challenges. 
  3. Support and encouragement to keep going!
  4. A community of like-minded entrepreneurs.


Small Business Lab


The Small Business Lab is more intense path to marketing and branding your business. With community hot seats, masterminds, access to industry pros, smaller group coaching and elevated resources.



Brand Builders

Build your business on your terms.


Check out the Now2Nxt Digital Products!

Camera Confidence Bundle


What’s holding you back from getting in front of the camera? Get access to the full guide and 52 video prompts and hit record with confidence!

20 Newsletter Ideas 


Grow your audience with a newsletter. Connect easily, share information, promotions, news about your business. You’ll have immediate access to performance metrics so you can measure what works and what doesn’t.

Join our Mailing list

Take Your Inbox from Now 2 Next!

Stay on top of the latest in branding and marketing for small businesses!

Frequently asked questions

Q: Does the monthly membership fee go up?

A: No, what you pay now is what you will pay every month going forward.

Q: Can I cancel anytime?

A: Yes

Q: Can I suggest new content?

A: Absolutely! Just make sure you comment in the Facebook group so everyone can see!

Q: Can I start from scratch with no existing branding or marketing?

A: Definitely, the Brand Builders Membership is designed for you to start where you are!

Q: Do you offer one on one consulting?

A: No, but I have a long vetted list of consultants to refer you too!

Q: Can I contact you?

A: Of course! Email us at
